Day: March 24, 2022

What You Can Do If You Have A Family History Of Heart Disease


Diseases and conditions related to the heart are becoming quite common nowadays. While worsening food and lifestyle habits may seem the main cause, the genetic history of heart diseases remains immensely influential. In this article, we will try to discuss the impact of a family history of heart disease in your life and what you can do to save yourself from the associated risks.

What Is A Family History Of Heart Disease?

As per the name, a family history of heart disease refers to being a part of a family that shares consistent heart-related diseases in different generations and members. Having a family history of heart disease means that you are at a higher risk of developing heart disease such as damage to the tricuspid valve.

If one or more family members in your immediate connections like siblings or parents have been detected with a heart disease before 60 years of age, you might have a possibility of sharing the same risk. In family history, you may get affected by inherited genes through shared environments. In an inherited gene, different genes combining may have passed through a generation that you may have acquired and thus may develop heart disease. In the case of a shared environment, you may have acquired certain genetic environments that may cause the development of heart related diseases like weakness, inactive lifestyle, blood pressure, etc.

tricuspid valve

What Can Be Done?

By having a family history, you remain at higher chances of developing heart-related issues in future. However, by understanding your genetics and the risks, you can also choose to adopt a healthy and preventive lifestyle to remain immune to any heart conditions such as heart attack, blockage of arteries, or contradiction in the tricuspid valve. First thing first, always opens up about your family history to your doctor and get a proper medical check-up done. While doctors usually recommend getting a heart check-up after or between the age of 35 or 45 onwards, with a family history, you may consider getting it checked sooner.

Here are some ways in which you can minimize your risk of heart conditions:

  • No smoking
  • Less consumption of alcohol
  • Eating healthy meals
  • Eating foods good for your heart
  • Follow a strict exercise routine
  • Stay happy and stress-free
  • Manage blood pressure and cholesterol

Following a conscious and heart-healthy lifestyle will certainly help you manage any heart-related possibilities.


Many people fail at identifying their risk of developing heart-related diseases. Being conscious and aware of your family history will help you acquire the right understanding of potential risks your body may succumb to in future. Further, performing heart check-ups will help you follow certain ‘good for heart’ lifestyle and food habits and reduce the chances.