2018 Guide To The World’s Most Powerful Antioxidant Tea!

2018 Guide To The World’s Most Powerful Antioxidant Tea!

Amla is a very popular plant that is being used in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine because of its health benefits that have helped thousands of people worldwide. Amla is believed to have nutrients that can help promote longevity and improve a person’s overall well-being. In the Ayurvedic medicine, this is beneficial to help in digestion and make sure that our body gets the nourishment that it needs to fight off certain diseases.

The  World’s Most Powerful Antioxidant Tea 

Amla Green is a very popular whole-food antioxidant tea. This is a concentrated tea powder that contains Amla or the Indian Gooseberries which is the King of all antioxidants and is the most powerful antioxidant-rich superfood. Amla Green proves that this product is safe and very effective because the ingredients of this product are hand-selected to make sure that they would be able to provide their customers with the highest quality and the best-tasting whole-food tea.

this amla juice reports

Amla Green – Dosage and Frequency of Use

One scoop of Amla Green mixed with a glass of warm or hot water is enough to make sure that the concentrated powder is dissolved completely into the liquid. According to the manufacturer, the most recommended dosage of Amla Green is 1 to 2 glasses a day to maximize the benefits that this product can give you. This has the ability to reduce blood glucose, LSL cholesterol, blood pressure, and can help increase the energy levels because this amla juice reports that just one scoop of Amla Green Antioxidant Tea powder mixed with a beverage is formulated with 4 grams of Indian Gooseberries which are proven to improve metabolic health.

Possible Side Effects Associated With Amla

Like any other products that can be very beneficial for our health, Amla has its own side effects that we should be aware of. This is often associated with misusing the product because Amla or Indian Gooseberry seems likely safe for most users when consumed in safe amounts. Here are the special precautions and warnings that we should be aware of:


  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended that you stay on the safe side and consume to the food amounts of Amla.
  • Bleeding Disorders. Amla can possibly increase the risk of bleeding or maybe bruising in some people especially if you have a bleeding disorder.
  • Diabetes. Amla may have the ability to help us control our blood sugar levels but if you are taking diabetes medications, it is best that you ask guidance from your healthcare provider before using Amla.
  • Liver Disease. Taking Indian Gooseberry and mixing it with ginger, or Indian frankincense can possibly cause liver complications.
  • Surgery. Bleeding might be one of the main concerns after surgery which is why using Amla at this time is not recommended. It is best that you stop taking Amla for at least 2 weeks before your scheduled surgery.

Amla Green – Is It Good For You?

Amla is known for its wide variety of vitamins and minerals that can have a positive impact on our health. Amla is not only consumed using fresh Amla fruits, but there is now high-quality Amla powder concentrate that you can purchase, like the Amla Green antioxidant tea.  Amla has a very high content of Vitamin C and it also contains minerals and other vitamins including calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and Vitamin B complex. Just make sure that you take Amla at its safe amounts to maximize the benefits that you can get from this product.